
The JFK Exhibition at the Tropicana

Green Screen

Many Americans remember exactly where they were the moment they learned President Kennedy was assassinated. It was a dark day for America when they lost one of their most popular presidents in history.


Your kids probably won’t recognize the rotary phone in the Oval Office, but they will recognize the Oval Office itself. They will also see an actual Boeing 707 Air Force One fuselage along with a car from the Presidential Motor Pool.


Cashman Photo is there to enhance the experience and make sure you walk away with memories. We will capture you in a photograph sitting behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, and again as you exit Air Force One.


Now we can relive some of the life and times of JFK at the Tropicana Hotel and Cashman Photo is there to help.


But you better hurry. The exhibit is only on display through January 3, 2015.