
A Legion of New Years Eve Photographers


It’s no secret, Las Vegas is a popular New Years Eve destination. The town has become known for its amazing fireworks and revelry up and down the famed Las Vegas “Strip.” But there is a lot going on inside some of the world’s most famous resorts, and Cashman Productions is right in the middle of it.


Some of the most lavish private parties in the world populate the ballrooms and convention halls where only the highest of high rollers are invited. Each hotel tries to outdo the other, throwing extravagant dinners with entertainment of all kinds. The competition is fierce with custom, one-time-only stage productions, uber-headliners and much, much more.


Our job is to send them away with memories. But we don’t just take photos anymore. Most hotels are looking for something more. One property might have a twist on a traditional green screen operation. Another might have multiple photo opportunities allowing their guests to truly be part of the action. Others might have more formal settings for a couple’s first formal Portrait in some time.


Of course we print the photos the moment they are taken. But we are always being asked to find something new and, more importantly, something fun.


Some of our best innovations come from these tests. Guests can now email their photos as fast as we can get them printed. They can post them on their Facebook page as they like the hotel’s special New Years Eve facebook page; all within a moment of taking the photo.


What people find most remarkable are the logistics involved. No other company can pull off a Las Vegas party like Cashman Productions. Planning is done off and on for months, sometimes almost immediately after the party is over.


All of our 150 printers are inspected and maintained. Over fifty lap tops are wiped clean, updated and prepared for the sole purpose of capturing and delivering memories. The week leading up to the party night, equipment is sorted and stored by location. For two days, we move in. Lights, printers, cameras and cords are scattered across Las Vegas, each with a specific location and use in mind.


Everything culminates between the hours of 7:00 and 11:00p.m. when 220 of Cashman’s finest capture over 15,000 memories in just four hours. Almost 4,000 photos an hour. There is no category for this in the Guiness Book of World Records, but if there was…


If Cashman Productions can pull off several of the most important Las Vegas events in one night, imagine what we can do for your event.